October 15, 2005: Help Me Make More Chaos . . . Please!
Does anybody have any dead/trashed percussion instruments, or pieces of them, lying around? I want to build some more
Chaos Machine noisemakers, and I could use:
- Drumheads, or pieces of drumheads
- High hats, cymbals, gongs - in ANY condition
- Chimes (metal wind chimes, xylophone keys, triangle, whatever)
- Metal guitar strings - broken is fine!
- Or anything else that might make an interesting noise when struck!
For little stuff, the best way to get it to me is just to stick it in an envelope and send it to "Steve Jackson - Personal" at PO Box 18957, Austin TX 78760. For anything bigger and heavier, email me at sj@sjgames.com and we'll sort it out and ship it on my dime.
Steve Jackson

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