Daily Illuminator

November 24, 2009: Back from BGGCon'09

Last week was BoardGameGeekCon 2009, the gathering of game-minded folks from BoardGameGeek. For us, it was an unqualified success. We showed off our two newest games -- The Stars Are Right and Revolution! -- as well as our "almost here" (it should be arriving in the warehouse next week!) game, Nanuk. Dice were rolled under the auspices of showing off Zombie Dice and Cthulhu Dice (but really, we just wanted to play -- those games are perfect fits for "hey, we've got ten minutes to kill").

We did a great deal of "research" on Geek Chic's products. The joke was "if you need to walk past those tables, it'll take you 45 minutes longer than normal." But when they have such sturdy wood tops for rolling dice with that satisfying "thunk," clever recessed gaming surfaces, and nifty accessories, it's hard to just glance and move past. They're things of beauty.

But the show wasn't all demos and admiring tables -- we also played games. We played some new games, like Small World, Castle Panic, and Thunderstone, and some old games, like Mystery of the Abbey, Ticket to Ride, and Saturn. I got to play more games at this one event than I had at all the other shows this year combined.

(We also took a bunch of photos and a bit of video. Once we cut out the incriminating evidence, we'll post some of it.)

A big thanks to Derk, Aldie, and the team of BGG volunteers who put on a great show. We'll see you next year!

-- Paul Chapman

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