Daily Illuminator

March 29, 2013: International TableTop Day Is Tomorrow!

The first International TableTop Day kicks off tomorrow. Have you gotten all your gaming plans sorted yet? Figured out what you're going to play, and where you're going to play it? For the latter, we strongly suggest dropping by your local game store. Why, you ask? Well not only should there be plenty of people playing all sorts of cool games, but you might also be able to grab one of the cool International TableTop Day bookmarks we made just for this occasion. This will be your only chance to pick one of these up. You won't find us giving them away at cons. And we're only one of many publishers that made something cool for this holiday of gaming. So tomorrow, go drop by your favorite store. Play games for a day and take home some souvenirs you can keep forever.

Of course we've made some plans of our own for International TableTop Day. Several of us are headed to stores around Austin to play and demo some games of our own. You'll be able to find Steve at Wonko's Toys & Games on Saturday afternoon. James will be headed to Tribe. Look for him there from 10 AM to 6 PM. I'm planning on showing up at Dragon's Lair around noon and I should be there on into the evening. Last but not least we have Randy, who will be headed down to Rogues Gallery. If you want to play some games with us, we'll have some cool swag of our own to offer on top of the goodies the store will have. So if you live in Austin or happen to be in town for the day, we look forward to seeing you! And keep an eye out for Andrew on the official TableTop Day live stream!

-- Ben Williams


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