June 15, 2006: Hoooooooooooooooome!I'm back. Yesterday was a very, very long day; we started our return trip Wednesday morning, Australian time, flew for more than 12 hours, and arrived in LA on Wednesday morning. From there, it was just another few . . . okay, several . . . hours home.It was a really great trip. One good small convention, one good medium-sized convention, hundreds of really nice people, and some tourism in between. And it was a very, very busy three weeks. Busy enough that I didn't post nearly as many reports as I had intended to. Many adventures were had, many photos were taken, and many . . . okay, several . . . Illuminators will be written about the Great Down Under Trek over the next few weeks. But it is, as they say, great to be back. I got a lot of work done on the next Munchkin game . . . the one I'm still not going to tell you about yet. And I had some interesting ideas. All in all, this trip did what vacations are supposed to do, even if I spent very little time actually lazing about. I feel energized. I want to write. So I'm going to. Starting tomorrow.
TONIGHT, I'm going to fall down and sleep for many . . . okay, several . . . hours. Hmm. No, I'm going with my first thought. Many.
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