April 22, 2007: Off To GTSSometime mid-day, Austin time, the crew and I will be boarding the big iron bird and winging off to Las Vegas for the annual GAMA Trade Show. We'll meet up with Ross Jepson, our Canadian Director of Sales (he does all our sales, but happens to be Canadian -- not that we hold that against him), and the mysterious MIB Control, aided by his key minion from the West Coast. GTS is the biggest hobby games trade show, and this year we'll be in a brand new (to us, anyway) facility -- Bally's. This will be the first time for Will and Randy, the second for Control and his minion, and my seventh. Wait a minute -- is that right? Seven? Time sure flies when you're having fun! Anyway, if you, or your friendly local retailer, will be attending, stop by Booth 508 and say howdy! We'll be next to our old friends in Atlas Games and Dork Storm Press, and across the aisle from PSI, who will be representing White Wolf, Soverign Stone, and a bunch of others. We'll be talking up Munchkin, of course, including a couple of new items for that line. Stay tuned to the DI for updates as the week goes by.-- Paul Chapman Share this post! |
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