Fortune Cards

. . . With A Secret Compartment
Cats Stomp Around
Clipboard Fu
Do You Want Spies With That?
Etiquette Violation
Five Seconds Late
Goal: Help a Student
Goal: Mastery of Climbing
Goal: Mastery of Combat
Goal: Mastery of Customer Service
Goal: Mastery of Disguise
Goal: Mastery of Stealth
Goal: Purity of Style
Goal: Rivalry!
How 'Bout Them Sox?
It Did Not Happen!
Karmic Bookkeeping Error
Kung Food Fighting
Matte Black
Me Too!
Misfortune Cookies
New Ad Campaign
New Menu Item: Chop Socky Suey
New Menu Item: Fugu Gai Pan
New Menu Item: Onion Death Blossom
New Menu Item: Sumo-Size It
New Menu Item: Teri-Yakuza
Ninja Stuff: Competitor's Uniform
Ninja Stuff: Experimental Homing Shuriken
Ninja Stuff: Helium
Ninja Stuff: Nageteppo
Ninja Stuff: Souvenir T-Shirts
Service with a Sword
The Sound of One Hand Cooking
Way of the Spatula
Wok the Kasbah
Sample CardsRulesninjaburger.comSteve Jackson GamesFun Ninja Things

Mission Cards

50-Yard Line
Botanical Garden
Castle Nosferatu
Center Ring
Cheyenne Mountain
Chez Fido
Conclave of Cardinals
Elba Home for the Peculiar
Empire State Building
Errand: Clean the Grill
Errand: Get Change
Errand: Inventory
Errand: Test the Wasabi
Fortress of Secrecy
Fox Hunt
Intensive Care
King Tut
Lap 300
Mammoth Cave
Oil Rig
On The Set In Hong Kong
Out There Somewhere
The Home Office
The Human Cannonball
The Iditarod
The New York City Sewers
The Payboy Mansion
The South Forty
Wedding Day

Ninja Cards

Kiseki Kun
Mrs. Johnson
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