Daily Illuminator

October 27, 2009: Update: Munchkin Fairy Dust And Waiting For Santa

As we told you on Friday, the new Munchkin mini-expansions, Fairy Dust and Waiting For Santa, have cards that are curling, even inside the packs. After further discussion, we have decided that these cards fall so far below our standards that our only option is to recall them. Both of these expansions are being taken out of print while we arrange a reprint.

Waiting For Santa is the easy case; we had not started shipping these to stores yet, and so we simply won't. Both sets will EVENTUALLY be reprinted, but we don't know when - we have to decide whether to use metallic ink or regular, and we have to work them into the existing schedule.

Fairy Dust is working its way through distribution, and some retailers have already received their copies, which means some of you have bought copies. Anyone who has already purchased Fairy Dust (and those few of you who picked up Waiting For Santa at a convention) can get a free replacement when they are republished. We do NOT want you to send the cards back now, because we don't have replacements ready. Play with them, have fun, and watch for a replacement announcement.

Retailers, of course, may return any unopened packs or POPs to their distributors, following our usual procedure for returned product.

I apologize for the inconvenience and for releasing substandard product in the first place. It was a horrible surprise, but fortunately a small one. We will learn from this, and move on to NEW mistakes. Thank you all for your comments, even the harsh ones; we hold ourselves to very high standards and we are glad to have fans who expect us to meet them.

-- Steve Jackson

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