Daily Illuminator

May 28, 2010: Munchkin Party Night Contest!

Pretty Balloons! Retailers -- we love 'em! They're the ones that help your parents out when they want to buy "a book about dragons, or maybe dungeons" for your birthday. They're the ones that introduced me to GURPS when I asked for "something that mixes science and magic." They run tournaments, stock shirts with wacky slogans, and suggest new comics and games.

Therefore, in celebration of retailers and Munchkin, we're running a Munchkin Party Night Contest. In the month of June, buy a copy of a Munchkin core set from a brick and mortar retailer. (If you don't know where your local game store is, try our Store Finder.) Send the original receipt (not a copy) showing the retailer's name and contact info to:

Munchkin Party Night Contest
PO Box 18957
Austin TX 78760

Once we're back in the office after the July Fourth weekend, we'll randomly choose someone from the stack and throw a Munchkin party for the retailer. Now we have no idea what "a Munchkin party" will entail. It'll depend on the location, the available facilities, how crazy the manager wants to get -- we'll work out the details with the good folks behind the counter.

If your receipt is chosen, we'll also send you a copy of every Munchkin game (including all reprints of Munchkin and Munchkin Quest branded items released by Steve Jackson Games, but excluding promo items) for the rest of 2010.

-- Paul Chapman

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