Daily Illuminator

March 25, 2011: What's That Rumbling Sound in the Distance?

Flat Ogres

Since posting Steve's Ogre announcement on March 12th, Paul and I have done our best to answer questions about the game at a number of different websites. And beyond just answering questions, we've been taking the comments in various discussions and trying to find ways to improve the upcoming Ogre game while still giving Steve the massive edition of the game that he has been dreaming of for about three years now. (See the March 8, 2008 Daily Illuminator.)

One of the requests was for flat versions of the Ogre counter. After some discussion with our production staff a small selection of designs were put together. We haven't decided whether or not these will appear in the final game, or if they'll even look like this if they do, but at right you can see the current designs that we're working with. If these make it into the box they will be in addition to the 3-D designs that were already planned for the game.

Thanks, guys, for all of the feedback on what we've shown so far. We're not yet ready to finalize the bits that appear in the game, but with each passing week we get closer to the final version of the game. Once we've sent the files off to print we'll let you know exactly what's going to be packed inside the game. Trust me, it's going to be a lot of goodies.

-- Phil Reed

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