Daily Illuminator

April 13, 2013: Munchkin Pathfinder Progress

Munchkin Pathfinder We haven't said enough about Munchkin Pathfinder lately, so let's rectify that!

The playtesting process is pretty much done. We've tested Pathfinder on its own and with the original Munchkin set, and it seems to work equally well both ways. The new Classes mesh nicely with the existing ones, and the combined game allows for some really fun Class-Race-Faction combos.

John's art is in and approved, and we're working on getting it all colored now. As always, I have to give John a hearty handshake of thanks (on his non-drawing hand) for turning out dozens of cool, funny illustrations on an insane schedule. I think it'll be clear how much fun he had with this art when you see it. (Check back here later this week, and we may have the cover posted . . .)

I've slightly revised the rulesheet for Pathfinder. We've heard from some new players that the rules are confusing and don't seem to be in a logical order, so I rebuilt them in what I hope is a more new-player-friendly sequence. If these work out, we'll probably revise the rules for our existing core games as those games come up for reprint. We'll upload a PDF of the rules as soon as the set goes to print, so please let us know what you think of them!

The one playtest comment I wasn't able to address adequately was, "Needs more Goblins." But we have a plan . . .

We're shooting for a Fall 2013 release, and we're still hoping to have some early copies at Gen Con in August. We'll post an update when we know for sure.

Thanks, as always, for your enthusiasm! I'm really proud of this set, and I hope that it brings plenty of Munchkin players to Pathfinder and Pathfinder players to Munchkin! Super-special thanks to Paizo for all of their help and for letting us play in their sandbox in the first place -- they've been great partners and I look forward to working with them again very soon.

-- Andrew Hackard

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